(01) 825 7246 office@stpaulsratoath.ie
Student Council Elections

Student Council Elections

Huge congratulations to all of the children in Fifth and Sixth Class who were involved in the School Student Council Elections. The walls of the school were covered in a sea of election posters and manifestos, while the children were busy canvassing anyone they met! Each class nominated four of their peers to run for election. On Election Day each of the children then presented to the Fifth and Sixth Classes on why they should be voted for. We were incredibly proud of how well all of the children spoke and we can safely say there are definitely some future politicians in St. Paul’s! We look forward to seeing the Student Council in action over the year.

IT Happy in St. Paul’s

IT Happy in St. Paul’s

We are very lucky in St. Paul’s to have sets of iPads and Chromebooks in the school. These are used regularly by the children for various different purposes. In these photos we see Ms. McGeough’s class using the iPads to do a Kahoot quiz on Irish vocabulary and Ms. Cogrove’s class are using the Chromebooks to do project work. They are a fantastic resource to make learning more fun and of course to make sure our children are Tech Savvy. 

Hip, Hip, Hooray! It’s Time to Play!

Hip, Hip, Hooray! It’s Time to Play!

There was great excitement when the children returned to school in September to see our new wooden playgrounds. There is a new playground in the sensory garden at the front of the school and also a wooden obstacle course at the back of the school. Lots of fun has already been had on them, with plenty more to come for many more years! 

‘Leaf’ it to us in St. Paul’s

‘Leaf’ it to us in St. Paul’s

Here in St. Paul’s, we just love nature, and our new Green Schools and Garden Committee were so happy to get the opportunity to plant not one, but two Hazel saplings in our school grounds to mark the occasion of National Tree Day! Our new additions join the various types of trees already on our campus and our pupils learn lots of fun facts about these trees during their years in St. Paul’s and develop an appreciation for the wonderful nature around us.

In preparation for Tree Day, the children in St. Paul’s learned about how important trees are for our physical and mental health as well as their amazing benefits for the environment. They learned lots of facts about the Hazel tree too!

Have a look at our photos from the planting that took place on Thursday 5th October. The committee were amazed at how small the saplings were and are looking forward to watching them grow in the years ahead!



School Tours!

School Tours!

June Joy brings even more fun to St. Paul’s with school tours and Active Week. Have a look at some photos below of our school tours. Junior Infants went to Newgrange Farm, Senior Infants to Dublin Zoo, First Class to Causey Farm, Second Class to Fort Lucan, Third Class to Clara Lara, Fourth Class to Funtasia and Bettystown Beach, Fifth Class to W5 and Sixth Class up to Tanagh Adventure Centre. As you can see in the photos great fun was had!!

Lego Showcase in Fourth and Fifth Class

Lego Showcase in Fourth and Fifth Class

The children in 4th and 5th classes have been participating in the the Lego Explore Superpowered Programme over the last few months. This programme aims to inspire learners to experiment and to develop their critical thinking and design skills through hands-on STEM learning activities. The children were tasked with identifying issues and designing solutions to create a better energy journey for their community with regard to energy sources, energy distribution and energy usage.

We had a very successful and enjoyable day out at the showcase event in DCU. The children did an amazing job demonstrating and presenting their projects and we were extremely proud of them. It was great to see everyone’s hard work come to fruition. The children then hosted their own showcase back at the school for all our students to see their amazing work.

A special thank you must go to all the staff in 4th and 5th classes who put in a huge effort with their groups over the last few weeks and months.