(01) 825 7246 office@stpaulsratoath.ie
Walk to School Week!

Walk to School Week!

Next week is “National Walk to School Week” (Monday, September 19th to Friday, 23rd of September). This is a week where we want to celebrate walking as a positive mode for school journeys. Next week, especially on Wednesday 21st, we would like to encourage the children to walk to school (where possible) or park and stride (where parents/ childminders park their car at a destination close by and walk the rest of the journey to school together). In school, the children will participate in a variety of activities, linked to different areas of the curriculum, that aim to promote the benefits of choosing walking as a mode of transport.

We fully appreciate that it is not always possible, for a variety of reasons, for children and their parents to walk to school and the children will be reassured that we understand that.

We look forward to seeing the children next week on their walk to school and helping us to make a positive difference to our environment and helping our community and school environment to be as green as can be!

The St. Paul’s Green School Team