(01) 825 7246 office@stpaulsratoath.ie
‘Leaf’ it to us in St. Paul’s

‘Leaf’ it to us in St. Paul’s

Here in St. Paul’s, we just love nature, and our new Green Schools and Garden Committee were so happy to get the opportunity to plant not one, but two Hazel saplings in our school grounds to mark the occasion of National Tree Day! Our new additions join the various types of trees already on our campus and our pupils learn lots of fun facts about these trees during their years in St. Paul’s and develop an appreciation for the wonderful nature around us.

In preparation for Tree Day, the children in St. Paul’s learned about how important trees are for our physical and mental health as well as their amazing benefits for the environment. They learned lots of facts about the Hazel tree too!

Have a look at our photos from the planting that took place on Thursday 5th October. The committee were amazed at how small the saplings were and are looking forward to watching them grow in the years ahead!



We Walk On Wednesdays!

We Walk On Wednesdays!

In St. Paul’s NS, we are working hard to make our school and our beautiful community here in Ratoath a clean, green place to live! Our Green School committee is working on many initiatives to inspire the children to make changes for the benefit of our environment and wider world. One of these initiatives is ‘Walk On Wednesday’ where we are asking the children and adults to make a special effort on Wednesdays to walk to school. Cars are great, but the more we use them, the more fumes and emissions that are entering our environment. By choosing to walk to school even one day a week, we hope this will help our community with less traffic and keep our air cleaner too! If you would like to walk to school even more of the days- that’s super! Feel free to get those feet busy on the scooter or bicycle too if you’d prefer!

We took some pictures of some of our pupils walking to school this morning. Well done to everyone who made a special effort and we hope to see more of you ‘Walking on Wednesdays’!



A Successful Walk to School Week!

A Successful Walk to School Week!

The weather wasn’t always kind to us this week, but where they could, the boys and girls (and adults too!) made a great effort to take part in our Walk to School week!

We were delighted to see so many walking to school. Indeed many children also came to school on scooters and bicycles which is another great way to arrive to St. Paul’s in an environmentally friendly way!

This week, the children were learning about the benefits of walking for our minds, our bodies and the environment- take the opportunity this weekend to go for a walk and help us to keep fit, keep healthy and keep green!

Walk to School Week!

Walk to School Week!

Next week is “National Walk to School Week” (Monday, September 19th to Friday, 23rd of September). This is a week where we want to celebrate walking as a positive mode for school journeys. Next week, especially on Wednesday 21st, we would like to encourage the children to walk to school (where possible) or park and stride (where parents/ childminders park their car at a destination close by and walk the rest of the journey to school together). In school, the children will participate in a variety of activities, linked to different areas of the curriculum, that aim to promote the benefits of choosing walking as a mode of transport.

We fully appreciate that it is not always possible, for a variety of reasons, for children and their parents to walk to school and the children will be reassured that we understand that.

We look forward to seeing the children next week on their walk to school and helping us to make a positive difference to our environment and helping our community and school environment to be as green as can be!

The St. Paul’s Green School Team