Learn the phonetic alphabet with your friends and then test each other's skills.
A. Alpha B. Bravo C. Charlie D. Delta E. Echo F. Foxtrot G. Golf H. Hotel I. India J. Juliet K. Kilo L. Limo
M. Mike N. November O. Oscar P. Papa Q. Quebec R. Romeo S. Sierra T. Tango U. Uniform V. Victor W. Whiskey X. X-Ray
Y. Yankee Z. Zebra
Morse Code:
This famous code is a way of sending messages without using words. It is used by the Royal Marines, it uses long and short signals to represent letters. Morse code messages can be sent by whistle or torch.
Click Below to make your own secret message, try your name!
You will need either a torch or whistle - when you see a dot - small sharp whistle & when you see a dash - do a long hard whistle. Good job secret spies!