Home: About Us: Parents' Zone: Active School Flag Green Schools
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Active School Flag
Green Schools
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The pupils and staff of St. Paul's are delighted to be a Green School. This makes us part of a fantastic club of environmentally friendly schools all over the world. We have three Green flags flying proudly at our school gates. 
These were awarded for the following themes:

*  Litter & Waste 
* Energy 
* Water 

The next theme is the travel flag. The aim of the travel flag is to encourage pupils, teachers and parents to travel to school in a green way such as cycling, scooting or walking. If a car has to be used then maybe you could car pool or park and stride.

Carpooling means travelling with other people who are not in your family such as friends, neighbours from the same estate or relations.

If you live far away maybe you could drive to a certain place like the Church, Centra or Tesco and then walk the rest of the way. This is called Park and Stride. It cuts down on traffic around our school in the morning.

We have a brand new committee elected this year and everyone is very enthusiastic and looking forward to putting lots of actions in place to encourage us all to leave the cars at home!! The travel officer that has been appointed to help us with this theme is Karen Moore. She visited the school in October and conducted a fantastic workshop with the committee. This has definitely helped us as we work on our Action Plan. We have decided upon some short, medium and long-term goals. Check back really soon when a copy of this Action Plan will be available to view.

                                        In the meantime don’t forget that :


BikeVehicles cause pollution.

Walk, cycle or scoot

That’s the solution

Click on the links below for more Green News

Nature Detectives Go Walk About in Senior Infants

Scoot to School Day

Fit Friday Statistics

Successful Launch of Fit Friday

St. Paul's Travel Code

Fit Friday Letter to Parents

Travel Action Plan

Site Map