Have a laugh on us!!
Q. How do you keep a snail’s shell clean?
A. You use snail varnish!
Luke Edwards – 4th Class
Q. Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill?
A. To get to the bottom!
Adam Goggin – 3rd Class
Q. Which monster is the best dancer?
A. The boogey man!
Evan Cotter – 4th Class
Q. What do you get if you cross a vampire with a snowman?
A. Frostbite!
Cian Buckley – 4th Class
Q. What do you call a donkey with three legs?
A. A wonkey donkey!
Lillian Brady – 3rd Class
Q. Why did the skeleton not go to the party?
A. Because he had no body to go with!
Laura Jenkins – 2nd Class
Q. What did the snowman say to the other snowman?
A. Do you smell carrots?!
Cian Byrne, Scott Cadwell, Brian Moore – 2nd Class
Q. What did the dog say when he sat on sandpaper?
A. Ruff!
Rebecca Healy – 2nd Class
Q. What can’t the car play football?
A. Because it only has one boot!
Claudia McKeon – 2nd Class
Q. Why was Cinderella bad at football?
A. Because her coach was a pumpkin!
Roísín Corbett – 2nd Class
Q. Why did the girl step on the sink?
A. Because she was a tap dancer!
Katie O’Reilly – 2nd Class
Q. Why did the chicken go to Mars?
A. To get a mars bar!
Shaun Donnelly – 2nd Class
Q. What bird steals from the bank?
A. A robin!
Mathieu Sevestre – 2nd Class
Q. What happens if you mix a fridge with a stereo?
A. Cool Music!
Abby Hesse-Mason – 3rd Class
Q. What did the candle say to the other candle?
A. I’m going out tonight!
Nina Kavanagh – 3rd Class
Q. Who won the race between the two shoe laces?
A. They tied!
Samantha Brady – 3rd Class
Q. Why did the music teacher need a ladder?
A. To reach the high notes!
Sophe Inglis – 3rd Class
Q. Why did the boy throw butter out the window?
A. Because he wanted to see a butterfly!!
Conor Wardick 2nd Class
Q. What do you call a bouncing sheep?
A. A woolly jumper!
John Redmond & Max McGreevy – 3rd Class
Q. What did the teddy say when he was asked for supper?
A. No thanks, I’m stuffed!
Evan Eiffe – 3rd Class
Q. What did the biscuit say when he got knocked over?
A. Ah crumbs!
Tom Roddy – 3rd Class
Q. What did the pencil say to the other pencil?
A. You’re looking sharp today!
Jared Molphy – 4th Class
Q. Why did the skeleton go to the butcher’s?
A. Because he had to get spare ribs!
Terry Crawley – 3rd Class
There was a crisp walking down the street and he had his hand out. A man in a car stopped and asked would he like a lift, but he said “No, I’m a walker!”
Zoë Walsh – 4th Class
Doctor, Doctor, I think I’m a pair of curtains.
Well, pull yourself together then!
Conor Phelan - 3rd Class